About the Gym

Purpose Statement

The purpose of Grassroots Fitness is to glorify God by loving our community, developing stronger, healthier members, and encouraging them to positively impact the people in their sphere of influence.

Mission Statement

To run a responsible and profitable business that brings people together and gives us the freedom to impact our community and the ministry.

Core Values

Love First

Life is complicated, so when in doubt focus on loving the person in front of you and all else will follow. Meet people where they are. Be friendly and pleasant to be around. Critique without being critical, and be generous with your praise.

Come As You Are

The fitness industry as a whole is very plastic and status-driven. We ditch the “trainer mask” and present ourselves authentically to our members because we are real, flawed, normal people. It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey, there’s a place for you here. As a business we are transparent with the community about our goals and the direction we are taking the gym.

Progress > Perfection

Imperfect action beats perfect planning. The world is in motion which means that if you’re standing still, you’re actually going backwards. So we only hire growth-oriented people because we know that the business can’t grow if it’s people aren’t growing. 1% better is all we need.

Changed Lives Change Lives

Everything we do is bigger than us. We don’t show up to work every day just to earn a paycheck for ourselves. We show up to build a gym that impacts the community. We show up to pursue our own true potential and we are taking our members with us.

Build Real Relationships

People don’t care what you know until they know how much you care. Quality, positive relationships help people thrive, and so our community is our strength. If we see a need we lend a hand, in and out of the gym.


The positive difference in how I feel and carry myself from day one is incredible. The atmosphere of the gym is very supportive, classes are small enough to not feel intimidated but also have the shared camaraderie of going through a tough workout with others.

Mandy Elliott

As a Physical Therapist myself, I'm really picky and knew the benefits of lifting, exercise form and nutrition, but I realized that I needed a professional to help guide me. They are great at modifying exercises to ensure safety, and work around the various limitations of old injuries.

Rebecca Wang

Every time I enter the gym I feel so welcomed. Since starting here, I have never felt judged or insecure when working out! Such a great community of people of all different fitness levels, all striving to make ourselves better than the day before.

Amelia Moore

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